Tuesday, December 30, 2014


  I was stitching up a dress in my fashion class when it was break, I was making a dress to where at the dance for prince charming, he was very popular in the school and his father wanted him to have a party at the school, and I really wanted to go. I was deep in thought to finish my dress when someone came in at first I hoped it was Red but instead it was Rapunzel, in her purple dress with her long hair braided, she had very long hair, like really yards long, and braiding it only made it a little shorter but it still dragged around on the ground, I waved at her but Instead of waving back she just sat down on a chair and watched me make my dress, a few minutes after she left, and I was alone again. When I got home I made dinner and did all the chores in the house. When I was done I jumped into bed and slept soundly, I woke up did my daily routine and went to school, "Hey Cinderella!" said a boy named Jack, he asked me about him selling a cow yesterday and about I man saying that he had magical beans, I told him anything could happen and he just left, "Hey, I planted the beans in my backyard and this morning it grew into a huge beanstalk! You have to believe me!" he said "I believe you," I blankly replied "Wait you do? Wow! Everyone said I was crazy but you believe me! I'm gonna tell everybody!" he delightedly said. I was at my locker when I saw my two stepsisters, so I went inside my locker and closed it so they won't see me, after they passed by I came out of my locker when I accidentally bumped into the prince, "I'm sorry!" I apologized, "No, no, it's okay." he replied and he walked away. after school  walked home when I saw Red, I then walked to my house with her, After that I saw my sisters walking our way "Hey Cinder-Ella! Hey Red-diculouse!" they teased, "Really is that the best you could come up with?" asked Red, "Oh yah it is! Hahaha!" they said back, Red looked at me and pointed at them as if saying are they for real? I smiled, When I got home Red was going to her grandmother's and asked me to come, I said no. I then went up stairs to my bedroom and talked to the mice and birds about the dance.


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