Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Become Happy in 2 Steps!! :)

Are you sad and/or feeling down? Well, I'll give you some advice on how to feel happy!!! Step 1. Go outside and get some fresh air. Fresh air will make you more calm and relaxed, and it'll be easier for you to focus. Step 2. Get out some crayons and a paper and color. Draw what makes you happy. Hopefully, this will work! Stay happy my friends!! :)

1 comment:

  1. JESS! I really need help right now! My sister is feeling sad because one of her favorite band member of IM5 (Will Jay) has left the band! And it looks like the band is breaking apart! First David now Will! Now she is skyping with someone who likes IM5 too, but I want to make her happy! What do I do? :(
